Thoughts from the bus

Dev Bhargava
2 min readJan 9, 2020

“Live in San Francisco” they said, “it’ll be fun”, they said. This nameless, gender neutral identity wasn’t wrong, but they did conveniently leave out the rest of the sentence: “it’ll be fun….unless you work in the South Bay”.

Commuting is somewhere between an absolute drag and the biggest first world problem any quintessential Silicon Valley tech bro wearing Allbirds and smelling like Harry’s will complain about. On days that I drive, I spend an hour and a half focusing on not dying or succumbing to my paranoia about driving (click here if you never want to feel comfortable driving again). On days that I don’t, a two hour end to end commute each direction leaves me with thoughts of quitting my job every night. Usually, I spend the full four hours either working or watching Youtube videos (normally some combination of people eating exotic foods around the world or chess streamers. Yep. Chess streamers).

With all that said, it’s 2020 now — new decade, new me. I’ve decided to reallocate at least a portion of these hours to writing. I’ve always liked the free flowing nature of the compose function in Medium, which is why I’ve chosen it to synthesize and organize my thoughts. I expect these posts to be some combination of carefully composed opinion pieces, incensed rants, and freeform, irreverent, stream of consciousness works. At this juncture, I’m not entirely sure whether I’ll share these posts with any readers or whether they’re just a private sounding board for the most tortured and word-salad-producing parts of my mind. With that said, if you’re reading this please accept my warmest welcome and strap in — you’re in for a hell of a ride.

